Iot Application Development

Empowering Healthcare- Saarthi : A Case Study on the Implementation of an IoT Medication Reminder Device in Hospitals


This case study explores the successful deployment of an Internet of Things (IoT) device designed to improve medication adherence in hospitals. The primary goal was to leverage technology to ensure patients receive their prescribed medications on time, reducing the risk of missed doses and enhancing overall patient care.

Client Background:

Our client, a leading healthcare technology provider, recognized the critical need for an innovative solution to address the challenge of medication non-adherence within hospital settings. Their vision was to introduce an IoT device that not only reminded patients to take their medications but also provided real-time alerts to healthcare professionals in case of missed doses.


1. Medication Adherence: Non-adherence to prescribed medication regimens poses a significant challenge in healthcare, leading to compromised patient outcomes.

2. Real-Time Monitoring:  Ensuring real-time monitoring and communication between the IoT device and healthcare professionals.

3. Integration with Hospital Systems: Seamless integration with existing hospital information systems and electronic health records (EHR) was crucial for efficient workflow.



1. IoT Medication Reminder Device:

   - Developed a compact and user-friendly IoT device that patients could carry or wear.

   - The device was equipped with sensors to detect medication intake and a wireless module for data transmission.

2. Real-Time Monitoring Dashboard:

   - Created a centralized dashboard accessible to healthcare professionals.

   - The dashboard provided real-time updates on patients' medication adherence, sending immediate alerts in case of missed doses.

3. Customizable Medication Schedules:

   - Integrated a user-friendly interface for healthcare providers to customize medication schedules based on individual patient needs.

   - Enabled adjustments to accommodate changes in prescriptions or treatment plans.

4. Integration with Hospital Systems:

   - Ensured seamless integration with hospital information systems, enabling automatic updates of medication schedules and patient data.

   - Facilitated communication between the IoT device, mobile app, and the hospital's EHR.


1. Improved Medication Adherence:

   - The IoT medication reminder device significantly improved patient adherence to medication schedules, reducing the likelihood of missed doses.

2. Timely Alerts for Healthcare Professionals:

   - Healthcare professionals received real-time alerts for missed doses, allowing for prompt intervention and adjustment of treatment plans.

3. Enhanced Patient Engagement:

   - The companion mobile app increased patient engagement by providing a convenient and personalized platform for medication management.

4. Streamlined Workflow for Healthcare Providers:

   - The integration with hospital systems streamlined the workflow for healthcare providers, eliminating manual data entry and reducing administrative burdens.

5. Positive Patient Outcomes:

   - The implementation of the IoT device contributed to positive patient outcomes, as evidenced by improved health metrics and reduced complications.


The successful implementation of the IoT medication reminder device demonstrated the transformative impact of technology in healthcare. By addressing the challenge of medication non-adherence in hospitals, our client not only improved patient outcomes but also streamlined healthcare workflows, highlighting the potential of IoT solutions in revolutionizing patient care.

Empowering Healthcare: A Case Study on the Implementation of an IoT Medication Reminder Device in Hospitals

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